This month we begin an Urban Art Seminary in San Carlos Academy in Mexico City. Last class we reviewed the work of Florentjin Hofman. In Mexico maybe you see the work in an advertising for SONY in newspapers.
My teacher is M.A.V. Mauricio Juárez Servín, and we have the purpose to develop an urban art project in our city, at least, we try to arrive to some concept and we visualize with computer.
We going to study some concepts like the urban art inside of art history, and his presence in Mexico. The space, the analogy, the aesthetic. The public work, the logic of the monument, the recovered space. The monument in the totalitarian space. And the concept of anti-monument.
Others concepts like the technological public space (Net.Art). Sociopolitical considerations. Strategies of artistic production in the web, the new
Florentijn Hofman was born in 1977 in Netherlands. Graduate from the Kunsthochschule of Berlin in interdisciplinary arts. Since 2001, Florentijn Hofman has produced numerous large-scale installations “in situ”, mainly in the Netherlands where he lives and works. One of the recurring elements of his creations is the monochrome monument thanks to which he tries to calm down “surrounding noises” and encourage a certain perception of the public space. Intuitive artist, he draws his inspiration from everyday life, from workers, from transport.www.florentijnhofman.nlEtiquetas: urban art