El Caifan Mayor se nos fue al Geminis.
Gran consternación en México por la perdida de unos de los simbolos vivientes del México 68, Oscar Chávez, quién también fue actor y apareció en varias películas, siendo la más trascendente para el cinem mexicano la de "Los Caifanes" con Julissa y otros buenos actores. Como no iba a perdurar su legado si el guión lo hizo Carlos Fuentes. Después en los 90's el grupo de rock mexicano fundado por Saul Hernéndez se bautizó como Los Caifanes ... como una manera de revelar su origen popular que venia de la Colonia Guerrero. Caifán es ..."El que las puede todas" ... y junto al pachuco (otra criatura fronteriza) es un arquetipo urbano del superviviente en la jungla urbana, donde no sobrevive el más fuerte sino el más ingenioso, el más chispeante. #OscarChávez #loscaifanes #cinemexicano
Great consternation in Mexico for the loss of one of the living symbols of Mexico 68, Oscar Chávez, who was also an actor and appeared in several films, the most important for the Mexican cinema being "Los Caifanes" with Julissa and other good actors . As his legacy would not last if the script was made by Carlos Fuentes. Later in the 90's the Mexican rock group founded by Saul Hernéndez was baptized Los Caifanes ... as a way to reveal its popular origin that came from Colonia Guerrero. "Caifan" is ... "He who can do them all" ... and next to the pachuco
Great consternation in Mexico for the loss of one of the living symbols of Mexico 68, Oscar Chávez, who was also an actor and appeared in several films, the most important for the Mexican cinema being "Los Caifanes" with Julissa and other good actors . As his legacy would not last if the script was made by Carlos Fuentes. Later in the 90's the Mexican rock group founded by Saul Hernéndez was baptized Los Caifanes ... as a way to reveal its popular origin that came from Colonia Guerrero. "Caifan" is ... "He who can do them all" ... and next to the pachuco